Real Immigration Reform

No hay cambios de texto, pero aclaró que una resolución principio de sólo 02 de junio


Nosotros, hombres, mujeres y niños migrantes. Quienes sufrimos las consecuencias de las redadas, la separacion familiar y el pensar que tenemos un futuro incierto, Somos el pueblo que sufre las injusticias, y no se dan cuenta que somos muy necesarios en la economia de este pais. dclaramos:

Que somos los que con dolor y coraje dejamos atrás a nuestras familias para ofrecerles un mejor futuro, una mejor vida. Nosotros hemos tomado la terrible decisión de migrar y dejar nuestros amados países porque ya no teníamos nada: ni trabajo digno, ni educación, ni viviendas para nuestras familias, ni tierras que trabajar, ni salud, ni futuro. Por las mismas injusticias que este pais ha promovido en nuestrso paises como los tratados de libre comercio que solo ha causado mas pobreza.

Somos los que vivimos la amargura de no poder ir a ver a nuestros seres mas queridos cuando mueren, que ya no tenemos la oprtunida de volverlos a ver en vida.

Si vivieran un minuto como migrante se daran cuenta lo que se siente vivir con la incertidumbre de ser deportado en cuanlquier momento,

Somo los que venimos a trabajar en los hoteles, el campo, los restaurentes, los trabajos mas sucios que nadie quiere hacer.

Somos a los que nos intimidan cuando reclamamos nuestros derechos y los ameazados a ser deportados.

Proponemos y declaramos que la verdadera reforma migratoria, para que sea integral, humana y digna, debe de considerar lo siguiente:

Un programa de legalización amplio y completo que otorgue la residencia permanente para todas las nacionalidades de inmigrantes indocumentados que viven en los E.U. y sus familias.

La legalización de futuros flujos migratorios. Que ciertos derechos mínimos necesitan ser garantizados en cualquier programa migratorio hacia los Estados Unidos, tales como: Derecho de Entrada legal y ordenada, Derecho al Trabajo y Derecho a tener un número de seguro social, y Derecho a la Residencia Permanente.

La defensa y la protección de los derechos de los inmigrantes debe incluir: reformas para eliminar la discriminación hacia inmigrantes en el lugar de trabajo, exigiendo primordialmente la eliminacion del E- virify, Comunidades Seguras, 287g

La protección de los derechos humanos y civiles

La aplicación de políticas globales que resuelvan los problemas de desplazamiento, desempleo y emigración de países pobres, comenzando por la eliminación de políticas de vigilancia transnacional, como la de "Operation Disrupt" que impide y criminaliza los flujos migratorios y que trata a los migrantes como blancos de operaciones casi-militares.

Que en todo acuerdo de integración económica se incluya completamente el tema migratorio y de mobilidad humana. Pasos concretos pueden tomarse tales como: la revisión crítica de programas de ajuste estructural que el FMI y el BM imponen a los países en vías de desarrollo que no les permite responder a las necesidades del desarrollo local y cuya carga de sacrificio recae desproporcionadamente en los pobres. También debe ampliarse la cancelación de las deudas de éstos países.

Respeto e igualdad para todos. Pasos serios deben ser aplicados para eliminar la discriminación y el racismo en la sociedad norteamericana, especialmente en contra de los inmigrantes, personas de color y otras minorías, la eliminacion de Comunidades Seguras, 287g , SCAP State Commuity Alliens) otras piliticas discriminatorias.

Nosotros, hombres, mujeres y niños migrantes. Nosotros, comunidades inmigrantes del continente americano, decimos y declaramos que: rompemos el silencio de que nadie diga nada. Levantamos nuestra voz para aclarar que sí contamos, que sí existimos, que somos seres humanos y gritamos una vez más que seremos parte de la integración global sólo cuando se reconozca, de país a país, de frontera a frontera, que todo ser humano es igual en dignidad y derechos.


We are immigrant men, women and children. We suffer the consequences of raids, family separation and thoughts of an uncertain future. We are the people who suffer injustice, and others do not realize that we are much needed in the economy of this country. We Declare:

We are those who, with pain and anger, leave behind our families to provide a them better future, a better life. We have made a terrible difficult decision to migrate and leave our beloved country because we had nothing: no decent work, or education or housing for our families, no land to work, no health, no future. We have left because of the very injustices that this country has promoted in our countries - free trade agreements that have only caused more poverty.

We are those who live the bitterness of not being able to see our loved ones when they die, we no longer have the opportunity to see them alive.

If you lived just a minute as a migrant you will realize how it feels to live with the uncertainty of being deported at any time

We are those who come to work in hotels, fields, restaurants, and at the dirtiest jobs that no one wants to do.

We are those who are threatened when we demand our rights and threatened with deportation.

We propose and declare that real immigration reform, in order to be comprehensive, humane and decent, must include the following:

A broad and comprehensive legalization program that grants permanent residency to undocumented immigrants of all nationalities living in the U.S. and their families.

The legalization of future migration flows. Require certain minimum rights to be guaranteed in any immigration program to the United States, such as: Right of Legal and Orderly Entry, right to work and the right to have a social security number, and the Right to Permanent Residence.

The defense and protection of the rights of immigrants must include: reforms to eliminate discrimination against immigrants in the workplace, primarily by requiring the elimination of E-Verify, Safe Communities, 287g

The protection of human and civil rights

The implementation of global policies to solve the problems of displacement, unemployment and emigration from poorer countries, beginning with the elimination of transnational surveillance policies, such as "Operation Disrupt" that prevent and criminalize migration and treat migrants as the targets of quasi-military operations.

That any economic integration agreement fully include the issue of immigration and human mobility. Concrete steps can be taken such as: a critical review of structural adjustment programs that the IMF and World Bank impose on developing countries and that don’t allow these counties to respond to local development needs and disproportionately burden the poor. Debt cancellation can also be expanded to these countries.

Respect and equality for all. Serious steps must be taken to eliminate discrimination and racism in American society, especially against immigrants, people of color and other minorities, the elimination of Safe Communities, 287g, SCAPP, CAP and other discriminatory policies.

We, immigrant men, women and children. We, immigrant communities in the Americas, say and declare: break the silence! We raise our voices to clarify that we do exist, that we are human beings and we shout out once again that we will be part of global integration only when, from country to country, from border to border, every human being is recognized as equal in dignity and rights.

No text changes, but clarified as a principle-only resolution June 2nd


We are immigrant men, women and children. We suffer the consequences of raids, family separation and thoughts of an uncertain future. We are the people who suffer injustice, and others do not realize that we are much needed in the economy of this country. We Declare:

We are those who, with pain and anger, leave behind our families to provide a them better future, a better life. We have made a terrible difficult decision to migrate and leave our beloved country because we had nothing: no decent work, or education or housing for our families, no land to work, no health, no future. We have left because of the very injustices that this country has promoted in our countries - free trade agreements that have only caused more poverty.

We are those who live the bitterness of not being able to see our loved ones when they die, we no longer have the opportunity to see them alive.

If you lived just a minute as a migrant you will realize how it feels to live with the uncertainty of being deported at any time

We are those who come to work in hotels, fields, restaurants, and at the dirtiest jobs that no one wants to do.

We are those who are threatened when we demand our rights and threatened with deportation.

We propose and declare that real immigration reform, in order to be comprehensive, humane and decent, must include the following:

A broad and comprehensive legalization program that grants permanent residency to undocumented immigrants of all nationalities living in the U.S. and their families.

The legalization of future migration flows. Require certain minimum rights to be guaranteed in any immigration program to the United States, such as: Right of Legal and Orderly Entry, right to work and the right to have a social security number, and the Right to Permanent Residence.

The defense and protection of the rights of immigrants must include: reforms to eliminate discrimination against immigrants in the workplace, primarily by requiring the elimination of E-Verify, Safe Communities, 287g

The protection of human and civil rights

The implementation of global policies to solve the problems of displacement, unemployment and emigration from poorer countries, beginning with the elimination of transnational surveillance policies, such as "Operation Disrupt" that prevent and criminalize migration and treat migrants as the targets of quasi-military operations.

That any economic integration agreement fully include the issue of immigration and human mobility. Concrete steps can be taken such as: a critical review of structural adjustment programs that the IMF and World Bank impose on developing countries and that don’t allow these counties to respond to local development needs and disproportionately burden the poor. Debt cancellation can also be expanded to these countries.

Respect and equality for all. Serious steps must be taken to eliminate discrimination and racism in American society, especially against immigrants, people of color and other minorities, the elimination of Safe Communities, 287g, SCAPP, CAP and other discriminatory policies.

We, immigrant men, women and children. We, immigrant communities in the Americas, say and declare: break the silence! We raise our voices to clarify that we do exist, that we are human beings and we shout out once again that we will be part of global integration only when, from country to country, from border to border, every human being is recognized as equal in dignity and rights.